- Start integrating PICs early. You don't know how well your PIC network design will work until you try it.
- You can use the Pickit3 to do in circuit debugging on just about any PIC. We chose not to use a dsPIC because we thought debugging would be impossible, so our PIC network was more complicated than it had to be.
- Output data to TXREG and read it with the bus pirate as an alternative to printf.
- Keep an eye on how long your interrupt service response is. We ported Ed's timer library to the PIC, but without compiler optimizations it took almost 200us to complete the ISR with a timer active. This can be a huge problem for other timing critical ISR's, like output compares.
- Servos need over 500mA, so think twice before putting one on your CVC.
- Hot Glue Gun/Epoxy is probably not enough to keep your propellers on for the entire duration of the competition. Look into better ways of fixing the propeller
- You will have issues with the Slave Select line being slower than the clock line if your SPI clock rate is too fast.
- Hot Glue Guns can burn people. Best unplug them when not in use!
- Don't shorten your motor driver wires and then connect the Molex backwards. You can, in fact, blow up your motor driver chip (see below).